Shaffer critical of Carmel’s land purchase for new park during COVID pandemic

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Dear Editor:

Carmel’s spendthrift municipal administration scored another one for lunacy.

You reported Sept. 8 that “Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation officially acquired and closed on 26.91 acres of land near 146th Street and Shelborne Road. ‘This land acquisition is very exciting for Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation and our community,’ said CCPR Director Michael Klitzing.”

Struggling families hit by layoffs, firings and furloughs find no excitement in this further borrowing-and-spending stratagem.

Carmel residents already shoulder a $2.4 billion debt, part of which involves purchases of large swaths of real estate.

In its 2019 annual financial report, the city told the state’s Department of Local Government Finance that it owned $193.1 million in land. That’s seven and one-half times the $25.9 million it owned in 2012.

More debt and less purpose. How exciting.

Bill Shaffer
