Fishers Health Department drops Community Risk Rating to Yellow

The Fishers Health Department determined the change based on the metrics outlined in this chart. (Graphic provided by Fishers Health Department)

The Fishers Health Department (FHD) announced on Tuesday a change to the Community Risk Rating to Level 2 – Yellow (Moderate). The Risk Rating was decreased from Orange due to an improvement in both case incidence and percent positivity rates in Fishers.

For Activity Recommendations in the Yellow category, FHD recommends healthy, non-high-risk individuals to consider limiting large gatherings of more than 30 people and following standard prevention measures such as hand washing, distancing and sanitizing. For high-risk individuals, FHD recommends avoiding gatherings of more than eight people outside your household, using takeout/delivery service in place of in-person dining, and essential shopping only.

Following this change, FHD recommends Fishers-based schools to reinstate or continue full in-person learning for elementary grades. Middle and high school grades may reinstate or continue full in-person learning if able to maintain cohorting. If unable to institute cohorting, the practice of keeping the same students together throughout the school day, the department advises a hybrid school model in order to decrease spread within schools and to minimize the number of quarantining students and staff that are expected to accompany school reopening. Additionally, schools should allow students with compelling needs to attend full-time in-person learning.

In response to the ISDH metrics distributed last week, FHD considers the ISDH’s new metrics as part of several ancillary inputs to determine the targeted Risk Rating for the Fishers community. FHD will continue to monitor the state’s metrics as they are released.

For details on recommended activity guidance, school guidance and information about cohorting, click here.

FHD continues to recommend the simple measures of masks, distancing and hand washing as the best tools in getting ahead of this virus. In addition, FHD calls on all Fishers residents to support these efforts to continue the downward trend to return to school safely and with a minimum amount of further disruption due to this virus.

The Fishers Health Department encourages residents to stay informed through its Daily Updates posted to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and linked at

1 Comment on "Fishers Health Department drops Community Risk Rating to Yellow"

  1. Paul Borowicz | September 3, 2020 at 10:16 am |

    “FHD recommends healthy, non-high-risk individuals to consider limiting large gatherings of more than 30 people and following standard prevention measures such as hand washing, distancing and sanitizing”

    But… They are recommending schools open for k-4, class sizes may be less then 30, but there are a ton of kids in the building and hallways are not 10ft wide with kids hugging the walls. Seems like a bad idea.

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