A little fun and games

From the Heart

Who wants to play a game? Not me.

Right now, I feel like I am in the middle of a challenging game of Jeopardy and I can’t come up with the right questions with so many conflicting answers.

It’s been almost six months (feels like 16) since the pandemic arrived. Call it whatever you want, but it’s like a game of Chinese checkers, and the marbles are all mixed up with no direction to go that makes any sense.

I feel like I’m playing the longest game of Monopoly that I have ever played. No one will give me a get out of jail (quarantine) free card.

I get invited to a gathering. I analyze the situation as if my Life and Chuck’s depends on the Risk … because it does.

How many will be there? Will masks be worn? Do those who will be attending go out in large gatherings? Do they social distance or play Tag, you’re it!

The rules are ever changing and it seems no one is playing fair.

I play it safe and usually stay home. Some people understand. Some don’t. All I can say is that I’m Sorry.

My circle is getting smaller. My community is shrinking. It’s hard to explain how I feel. I’m just doing the best I can to make the best of a really complicated, clustered, coronavirus world in which I live.

I don’t like this game, but there is no quitting. I just put myself in time out.

It’s like I am playing all these games that are so not fun. I’ve gotten dealt into a game that I never wanted to play. The cards are not stacked in my favor. Who’s doing the shuffling?

The schools are working a 2020-piece jigsaw puzzle that is all in fine print. I know it will all eventually come together, but a few pieces will be missing. Ugh.

Small businesses that I love are watching the Jenga tower, just waiting for the wrong piece to be pulled and all the hard effort will come tumbling down. I never enjoyed playing KerPlunk.

We are all feeling the Aggravation.

If I move the wrong piece in the wrong direction, it will cause Qwirkle and Trouble. I’ve never played chess, but I know I don’t want to put my king in a position of checkmate.

The Game of Life is definitely challenging right now. I’m playing my cards with the hand I have been dealt. At times, it’s a crappy hand.

Staying in my Little House on the Alley is a great port in which my Battleship is anchored down.

Chuck and I won’t be playing Cards Against Humanity nor will we exhaust our Craniums with comparing Apples to Apples. We definitely will not be playing Twister. At our age we would hurt something. We don’t want to end up having an Operation.

At the end of this pandemic, we will hope and pray we hear the question, Guess Who is safe? and we are the answer.

Hope you enjoyed a bit of fun and games this week. I had fun writing it. We all need bit of fun during this time of Hot Covid Potato.

What will next week’s column be about? I haven’t a Clue.