Democratic Treasurer candidate plans to hire Republican deputy

Sarah and Jake Madore pulled off their masks for a quick photo Friday evening. (Reporter photo by Stu Clampitt)

On Friday evening at Blackhawk Winery, 28153 W. Ditch Road, Sheridan, Democratic candidate for Hamilton County Treasurer Jake Madore was on hand to both enjoy the free Friday concert and to spread the word about his campaign.

Madore told the Reporter he plans to hire current treasurer Kim Good as his deputy treasurer if elected this November.

“When I spoke with Kim about this opportunity, what stood out to me was first her passion about this office and serving the people of this county,” Madore said. “I want to make sure that her experience within this office is benefitting everyone in this county.”

Madore explained that he is choosing a Republican as his deputy because he does not think the treasurer’s office or county tax dollars should be subject to party politics.

“Her being a Republican will help me better serve everyone in the county rather than simply standing on one side of the aisle,” Madore said. “To me this office isn’t political. It’s about dollars, common sense and public service. Kim has a great track record of public service. Kim knows how to bring good investments to the people, so the taxpayers don’t have as much of a burden when we make wise investments and she’s got the common sense from being treasurer twice before. She will make me a better treasurer and make sure everyone in the county is better off for it.”

2 Comments on "Democratic Treasurer candidate plans to hire Republican deputy"

  1. If you think this office is not political then you are wrong. I am the only Democrat in that office for 20 years and Kim has called me Demo CRAP and Lib Tard on multiple occasions. I support Susan Byer as the best candidate for Hamilton County Treasurer! Susan is Republican!

  2. I would think a red flag would have gone up when she didn’t have her OWN office backing her for reelection. So, by approaching Kim Good to stay on tells me you approve of bullying and belittling co-workers on a daily basis. Everything the other employees stated she has done is TRUE. You have made a deal with the devil . Hopefully you have gotten on the courts website and read everything regarding Kim, including the statements from her own employees. Kim and Bryan/Bill Good are not nice people at all. The only people they care about are themselves and will use anyone to get what they want.

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