Westfield voter: McKinney makes sense

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Dear Editor:

This year’s upcoming elections come during a time of unique challenges facing Hamilton County residents. Leadership, experience and a proven record of fiscal responsibility are needed more than ever. That is why I will again be voting Rick McKinney for Hamilton County Council at large.

Rick is a small business owner who appreciates the value of a dollar. He is a fiscal conservative who demonstrates time and again by his actions that he is a trusted fiscal steward who puts the interests of the taxpayers first. Responsible, committed and transparent are all characteristics I have observed and appreciated over the past 10 years I have known Rick.

One of Rick’s cornerstone issues has been transparency, evidence of which is the fact that Hamilton County Council meetings are live streamed and archived for historical viewing. He also is on record of standing up for taxpayers, which was reflected in his unwillingness to support the recent 10 percent personal income tax increase that the council majority approved.

This year’s field is crowded with candidates who lack either the experience, independence or integrity to represent Hamilton County the way we need. Please join me in casting a vote for Rick McKinney, Hamilton County Councilor at large.

Bob Beaudry
