Janus Guild member making masks for HCE bus drivers

Terri Gast’s work providing free masks has helped those like Brian Atkins, a bus driver for Hamilton County Express. (Photo provided)

Janus Guild member Terri Gast has been busy making masks for the Hamilton County Express (HCE) bus drivers to use while transporting county residents to various destinations.

The Janus Guild is a group of individuals who do fund raising for Janus, volunteer at the facility and provide 8 to 10 special events for the clients each year.

With increased sanitary measures being taken on HCE and Janus Transportation Buses, Terri volunteered her time and talents and provided masks for drivers to use. Transportation Manager Elaine McGuire recently installed clear plastic sheets to further protect drivers and riders from potential exposure to the COVID-19 virus. Money boxes have been placed in a secure location with hands-free payment available. Passenger seats, handrails, etc. continue to be sanitized immediately as each individual leaves the bus.

If you would like to schedule a ride on HCE, please call (317) 773-2688. The program is available to meet the transportation needs of individuals with disabilities as well as the general public. The hours are 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday.

If you would like more information about the Janus Guild, contact Cathy Lundeen at clundeen68@gmail.com.