Waiting is hard, but we can do this

Be Well

“You take it on faith, you take it to the heart, The waiting is the hardest part”

– Tom Petty, 1981

Well, this is my second article of late using a rock ‘n’ roll quote! Not sure what that is about other than maybe in this isolation I am reverting to my “hippie youth.” Frankly, anything is possible at this strange time in our society.

I have recorded so many movies from TCM that I don’t know if I will ever have a chance to watch them all – movies I have heard of but never seen, movies I have seen and really liked enough to watch again, and movies that are completely weird and I question why in the world I ever recorded them. All that movie-watching requires … a lot of sitting. Well, you can watch a movie while moving constantly, but somehow that just doesn’t seem right! Lifting weights and watching a movie – doable!

Reading – yes, I have done more of that as well – which is actually my favorite pastime since I learned to read about 65 years ago, and I have still barely scratched the surface of my bookshelf. But there again, a passive activity – and no I will not walk a treadmill while reading but if you do then go for it!

So … guess I better get moving huh? I am actually taking my daily walks, stretching, lifting weights, and dancing in the kitchen! All which are very important and necessary not only for our physical health but our mental and emotional health as well. I have heard it said by us “commoners” and celebs alike that they are spending more time cooking and eating the past several weeks. Both of those of course are worthy pastimes and do require some restraint and common sense about what we are cooking and eating! The large grocery stores still seem to have quite a bit of nutritional items on the shelves as well as the highly-processed and “junk” items. Item: If you roast brussels sprouts in the oven after basting with a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar, the results are very tasty and sweet!

It is so easy, and I know first-hand, to focus on the “can’t” word instead of “can.” The waiting is difficult, of course, but there are many things we CAN do in the meantime. Be creative, eat well, move and exercise, brush the dog (and the cat if he will allow you…) play Frisbee, plant flowers, and how about this one … actually TALK to people! The waiting is hard, the months ahead will test us to be sure, but we can do this. Be Well.

Sharon McMahon, CNWC


The opinions expressed in this article are not intended to replace advice of your personal physician or licensed health professional. Please consult your physician for any issues you may have related to nutrition or fitness activity.