Westfield Ed. Foundation names Dedon as new director

Experienced non-profit fundraising professional Jody Dedon has been named Executive Director of the Westfield Education Foundation (WEF).


Dedon, a Westfield resident, begins her new role Jan. 21.

Dedon brings more than 10 years of direct fundraising experience, including Executive Director of Indy Women of Tech, Director of Advancement at Leadership Indianapolis, Director of Development at Conner Prairie, and Director of Development at Noble of Indiana. Dedon has been active with the Hamilton County Leadership Academy, serving as Board Chair and interim executive director.

In her new role, Dedon will serve as the face of the foundation in Westfield, develop and execute fundraising strategies and events, and serve as the bridge between the community, donors and the schools.

Dedon is a graduate of Indiana Wesleyan University and is a CFRE.

About the Westfield Education Foundation

WEF is a 501c(3) not-for-profit entity created in 1986 to serve as a philanthropic resource to provide scholarships to Westfield seniors and to provide grants to Westfield teachers. In 2019, the Foundation awarded $58,650 to seniors at Westfield Washington High School. WEF has now awarded $1.2 million in college scholarships and classroom teaching grants in Westfield Washington Schools. WEF is run by a volunteer Board of Directors consisting of community members, business owners, parents and school administrators and we have one paid staff member.