Second week of sadness, loss for Noblesville sports

Hamilton County Clerk

It is hard to believe that in a two-week period Noblesville could lose two of its greatest athletes of all time.

Courtney Cox Cole and Krissi Davis and their super surrounding cast gave us memories of a time in sports that were like no other. The days of competing in the state finals are special times to me that I will never forget. But it is so hard for me grip that they are both gone.

Where Krissi’s passing was a total shock due to the suddenness, Courtney’s was just as surprising in a different way; she had fought so long and so hard, you just knew she could beat it.

Courtney’s competitive nature and unbelievably positive attitude is what kept her fighting. I remember reading Facebook posts where she seemed to be cheering everyone else up about her cancer. Her postings were so real and made you felt like you were going right along with her in her fight.

For six years, she let us in on the roller coaster she was riding trying to make us a part of her journey. She shared the good news and often the bad news of her fight with cancer. I know most of us read and wondered if we could ever be as strong and upbeat.

Through it all she and her sister ran a successful business; she became a motivational speaker sharing her experiences to others and she was a mother of two children. She gave to our community in so many ways.

As we celebrate our 150th anniversary of Noblesville High School, it is graduates like Courtney Cox Cole who make us a special school and community. The legacy she leaves is one of hard work, dedication, great humor and a strong heart for her family and friends.

My prayers go out to Blake and Cayla and the whole Cox-Hare family. May the courage she had be shared to help you through the days ahead.