Cross country: Miller girls, Tigers boys place first at Noblesville Hokum Karem

Noblesville's Travis Hickner and Cole Kimmel going into the fifth mile of the Noblesville Hokum Karem on Saturday. Hickner and Kimmel finished first in the race. (Kent Graham)

The Noblesville cross country teams hosted their annual Hokum Karem on Saturday.
The Millers girls team won the Girls AA race, edging out North Central by three points, 11-14. Bella Sharples-Gordon and Madison King teamed up to win the race, in a time of 35:05.0.
In the boys AA race, Fishers won with 14 points, with Noblesville a close second by scoring 16 points. The Tigers got a third-place finish from Will Clark and Jaylen Castillo, while Matthew Leppert and Drew Smith were fourth.
The Millers had the winning duo of Cole Kimmel and Travis Hickner, who paced the field with a time of 29:01.8.

Boys AA race
Team scores: Fishers 14, Noblesville 16, Brownsburg 20, North Central 44, Warren Central 46, Huntington North 52, Mount Vernon 53, Greenfield-Central 55.
Race winners: Cole Kimmel/Travis Hickner (Noblesville) 29:01.8.
Fishers runners: 3. Will Clark/Jaylen Castillo 29:45.0, 4. Matthew Leppert/Drew Smith 29:47.1, 7. Colin Simons/Max McCollum 30:44.1, 11. Bailey Wilson/Jonathon Roth 31:01.2, 13. Tate Meaux/Alec Foster 31:19.8.
Other Noblesville runners: 6. Andrew Knight/Evan Campbell 30:40.2, 9. Seth Koszyk/Andrew Anderson 30:52.9, 10. Asher Propst/Kolby Kazmierski 30:56.6, 17. Joel Mumaw/Jack Taylor 31:51.0.
Girls AA race
Team scores: Noblesville 11, North Central 14, Brownsburg 21, Mount Vernon 38, Warren Central 43, Greenfield-Central 48.
Race winners: Bella Sharples-Gordon/Madison King (Noblesville) 35:05.0.
Other Noblesville runners: 4. Paige Hazelrigg/Brooke Lahee 36:01.0, 6. Mya McGavic/Sophie Stahl 36:36.1, 9. Sophie Richard/Anna Hazelrigg 37:03.1, 12. Taylor Gossard/Ashley Newcome 38:12.4.

University swept both divisions of the Sheridan Invitational on Saturday.
The Trailblazers girls team won by scoring 28 points, ahead of International (56), Alexandria (57) and Clinton Central (77). University was led by a close pack of three runners: third-place Ella Eskenazi, fourth-place Jada Swearingen and fifth-place Charlotte Kumler. Chloe Kaplan placed ninth and Zoe Napier was 15th.
In the boys race, the ‘Blazers won with 23 points, with Alexandria the runner-up with 46 points. Lucca Conti was the individual winner, with Noah Laramore taking second. Isaiah Smith finished fifth, Thomas Price placed seventh, Foster Wilson was 14th and Tommy Kaplan placed 15th.

Noblesville’s Travis Hickner and Cole Kimmel going into the fifth mile of the Noblesville Hokum Karem on Saturday. Hickner and Kimmel finished first in the race. (Kent Graham)