Middle-aged? Bring it on!


I celebrated my 49th birthday this week, which means I’m only one year away from having one of the “big ones.” Although my dear friend Patricia pointed out last weekend that technically, I’m starting my 50th year already. Thanks, Patricia.

All kidding aside, I’ve never been one to fuss about my age, which I just proved by sharing it with the whole world via a local newspaper. And I’m perfectly fine to be in the “middle-aged” category.

For some reason I’ve been calling myself middle aged for a few years now, but my husband John wasn’t allowed to until he turned 50. He would say something like “I’m just some middle-aged guy” when he was still in his forties and I’d exclaim “No you’re not! You can’t say that until you’re 50.”

John’s typical response was always “Um … I really don’t think I’m going to make it until 100.” I hope he does, but I also think I was just trying to help him feel young.

Most dictionaries say that “middle-aged” includes people who are 45 to 65. Unfortunately the category sometimes conjures up images of people who are slowing down in life or of some grey-haired person running out and buying a fancy sports car due to a mid-life crisis.

I, however, love this stage of life. Yes, it can be difficult, especially when you’re in the sandwich generation taking care of a parent (or parents!) and your own family while working. But it’s also rewarding.

During middle age, most of us have children who are at least old enough to stay home by themselves for a few hours – or stay home and watch younger siblings. The kids are growing up and spending more time with friends and in various activities where Mom and Dad aren’t really needed. You’re starting to become their friend vs. strictly a parent, which is rather cool.

It’s also been great to gradually have more time for myself, my friends and my interests. I’ve been able to volunteer more in my community through serving on local boards and other activities.

John and I have a regular Friday date night now, which we love. In the past we were lucky to have one date night a month.

And slowing down in life? Not me. I’m hooked on walking a half marathon every spring, even though my middle-aged body protests a bit a couple of days afterward. You’ll also find me hoop-dancing every Tuesday evening in Forest Park with my friends.

I did, however, buy a 2007 Mini Cooper a couple of years ago, which some people classify as a sports car. And I definitely have gray hairs that I don’t plan to cover up. Hmmm…

Well, no matter the definition, I’m there, Folks, and overall I love this stage of life, sandwich generation and all. Bring on middle age!