Rep. Brooks supports Senate version of National Defense Authorization Act

Congresswoman Susan W. Brooks (R-Ind.-05) provided the following statement regarding her vote against the House version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and her support for the bipartisan Senate version of the NDAA: 


“It is critically important to provide the men and women in our armed forces the resources and tools they need in order to safely defend and protect our country. For 58 years, the Armed Services Committee has passed a bipartisan NDAA. I am disappointed today’s House version of the NDAA is extremely partisan, endangers U.S. national security and undercuts authorities’ abilities to combat serious threats on an international level, including combatting terrorism. This bill cuts critical programs designed to deter Russia and China, cuts personnel accounts by over one billion dollars, cuts nuclear deterrent programs and cuts readiness recovery.

“Keeping Americans safe is government’s first job, and that is why we must have a military that is properly equipped to keep us safe at home and abroad. As the legislative process continues, I urge House leadership to consider the Senate’s version of the bill because it rises above partisan politics in order to prioritize our national security and provide needed funding in order to increase military readiness.”


The Senate passed its version of NDAA by a vote of 86-8 and it would authorize a $750 billion national defense budget. It authorizes $24.1 billion in shipbuilding funds for 12 new Navy warships and supports the President’s request to shakeup the military’s space mission by creating a Space Force under Air Force. Additionally, the Senate’s NDAA authorizes 94 Lockheed Martin-built F-35 fighters, 16 more than the administration requested. It also works to establish secure next-generation wireless network (5G) components and capabilities in at least two Department of Defense installations.

The House version of NDAA funds the federal government’s defense and national security programs at $17 billion less than the Senate version. It cuts personnel accounts that fund troop pay and benefits by $1.2 billion, cuts nuclear deterrent programs, cuts critical programs designed to deter Russia and China, including cuts to hypersonics, ship construction, and closes Guantanamo Bay to move terrorists to the U.S., along with other crucial cuts. The House version creates severe restrictions on the military’s traditional missions in supporting border security.