Noblesville Schools appoints deans at East, West middle schools

Gwendolyn Gaw (left) and Bert (BJ) Kite will serve as deans of Noblesville’s East and West middle schools, respectively. (Photo provided)

Noblesville Schools announced Tuesday that it has appointed new administrative leaders at Noblesville East and West middle schools.

  • Gwendolyn Gaw, Noblesville East Middle School (NEMS)
  • Bert (BJ) Kite, Noblesville West Middle School (NWMS)

The new middle school dean positions are responsible for building strong student relationships and school culture, as well as providing enhanced student behavioral analysis, interventions and support. The positions were created thanks to mental health and safety funding from the 2018 referendum. Noblesville High School already has two deans.

Gaw joins NEMS from Carmel Clay Schools where she has served as a visual arts teacher and middle school leader for the last nine years. She brings extensive experience developing and leading social emotional learning, classroom management, diversity/equity initiatives and schoolwide improvement. Gaw has also served as a team leader and school safety representative. She will complete her master’s in educational administration from Butler University later this year.

Kite has served as an eighth-grade social studies teacher at NWMS for 13 years, including his role as social studies department chair. He holds a master’s in educational leadership from Indiana Wesleyan University and is the head organizer of West’s Washington, D.C. student travel program. Kite has also served on school improvement committees, designed and implemented behavior plans for challenging students, and coached basketball at Noblesville High School.

“We’re excited to welcome BJ and Gwen to our administrative team,” said Dr. David Mundy, associate superintendent and director of human resources. “Our new dean positions will continue to enhance our ability to provide middle school students the behavioral support and guidance they need, and I’m confident these individuals will make great additions to the East and West leadership teams.”