‘Get Alarmed’ in Jackson Township

Jackson Township Fire Department is proud to announce that it has been selected by the Indiana State Fire Marshal’s Office to participate in the Get Alarmed program.

The Get Alarmed program is a collaboration of the American Red Cross, Indiana State Fire Marshal’s Office, and the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, which allows selected departments to install 10-year smoke alarms at no cost to members of their community.

If you are in need of a smoke detector to be installed, please reach out to Jackson Fire in one of the following ways:

  • Email information@jacksonfire.us and provide your name, address and phone number, with SMOKE ALARM as the subject.
  • Call the Jackson Township Fire Department non-emergency number, 317-984-3443, and provide your information to the on-duty firefighters.
  • Visit gov/dhs/getalarmed.htm and click the “NEED TO GET ALARMED, MAKE A SMOKE ALARM REQUEST HERE” box.

Once submitted, the Jackson Fire Community Outreach Officer will contact you to set up a time to install your smoke alarm(s).

Jackson Township Fire would like to thank Shaney Dale and the Indiana State Fire Marshal’s Office for giving the department this opportunity.