And we shall have snow …

From the Heart

It’s probably because of my past. It’s probably because I have a history with snow. It’s probably because I am a survivor of the 1978 Blizzard. I am prepared for a big one whenever the “chances” are predicted.

Once you have experienced a real blizzard you become a bit skittish when it comes to possible bad weather involving snow.

The odds of another blizzard like that of the Blizzard of ‘78 are small, but I’m not taking any chances.

When I hear the forecasts I become a weather forecasting junkie. I want all the opinions. Like the forecaster can “really” predict what it will do. They have their maps. They have their meteorology data and images. But the answers, my friends, are blowing in the wind.

I have my favorite go to guys and gals on whom I rely. Matt Gamble is an “amateur” weather guy but he is surprisingly accurate. Just for fun he even allowed his chickens to help predict the snowfall this weekend. We shall see.

I pay attention to the BAM weather team and Chris McNew who keep me glued to Facebook to see their predictions.

When I turn on the television I am usually counting on Channel 13’s Angela Buchman to let me know how soon I need to run to the store. Angela is a graduate of Hamilton Southeastern High School so she has grown up with the adventures of Hamilton County snows. My husband actually handed her diploma to her when he was the superintendent. He’s a fan.

I try to head to the store early enough before the craziness begins. I fear the thought of not having something I really don’t need but want.

Here’s the thing: I must have certain foods whenever it snows and I’m in for even a couple of days. Gotta have meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Spaghetti and garlic bread. Ham and beans and cornbread. Homemade pancakes (made with buttermilk). I am set for a week with all the leftovers we will have.

And then there are the desserts. On the menu is an egg custard pie. Fruit cocktail cake, which I call a funeral cake. Peach cobbler. I predict I will gain a few pounds if the snow persists.

There is just something about being in the kitchen and cooking and watching Netflix that is just comforting, all the while watching it snow.

Growing up in Noblesville and Hamilton County, I have lots of snow stories. My husband was the school superintendent for Hamilton Southeastern Schools and he has his fair share of snow stories.

Chuck would go out at 4 a.m. and drive the back roads to check to see if the buses would be able to pick up the kids and transport them safely. He had a parent once call him and question why they had school that day. He explained to them that he had traveled the backroads and they were okay. The man argued that, “Well, of course, you are in a four-wheel drive!” Chuck calmly answered, “Sir, I drive a rear-wheel drive passenger van.” He rested his case.

I drove a 1965 Mustang in the 70s. I drove it in the winter. Not fun, but I did it. I even drove it to college near Chicago in 1974. I drove cautiously.

Perhaps we will get ice. Perhaps we will get a lot of snow. Perhaps we will be inside most of the weekend. I do know that I will survive. If I made it through the Blizzard of ‘78 I will make it through whatever comes this weekend.

I am a survivor. I have the stories to tell. Perhaps after this weekend I will have a few more.