Seaman to be honored

Jason Seaman will be honored for risking his life to save Noblesville West Middle School students. (Reporter file photo)

Jason Seaman will be recognized and honored with the Robert P. Connelly medal of heroism from the Noblesville Sunrisers Kiwanis club during a ceremony at 7:15 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 13 at the Noblesville Boys and Girls Club cafetorium. This medal is one of the most prestigious awards given by the global volunteer service organization.

Mr. Seaman is being honored for his actions on May 25, placing his body in harm’s way to protect the students being confronted with gunfire in his Noblesville West Middle School classroom. Jason was struck three times as he first distracted the student, then rushed him and was successful in disarming the young man. One student was struck numerous times in the encounter.

“This medal of honor is named for a former Kiwanis member, Robert P. Connelly, who died trying to save a woman who had fallen in front of a passenger train in 1966,” said Ted Mahnensmith, Sunrisers President. “Kiwanis International created this medal of honor to recognize community members who go to great lengths to save individuals in peril.”

When Seaman put his life in peril to save Ella Whistler and the other students in his classroom, the Noblesville Sunrisers Kiwanis club immediately thought of the Connelly Medal of Heroism for recognition.

Please come to the Noblesville Boys and Girls Club on Nov. 13 to celebrate Jason Seaman and to discover what Kiwanis is about. Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. Kiwanis welcomes and encourages you to join the club.