Trustee honored to serve Wayne Township

Editor’s note: The Reporter published a press release from the Wayne-Fall Lions Club, available here, about a candidates forum. The following statement was read to the audience on behalf of Diane Crim, who was unable to attend due to the short notice she was given.

Dear Editor:

I would like to thank the organizers for this event and regret that I am unable to participate due to the short notice. I have a prior commitment at my church this evening. Thank you for allowing my spokesperson to read my statement.

I am just finishing my third term as Wayne Township Trustee, a position that I do not take lightly. In these 12 years Wayne Township has almost doubled in population and the culture has evolved from a laid back rural community to a very diverse combination of affluence and poverty.

My primary duties are Fire Protection/Basic Life Support Service, Financial Assistance to those in need and Cemetery Care & Maintenance. These all carry a heavy price tag. I have worked to keep our tax rate lower than most of the communities in our county.

We have provided our residents with the first all-Volunteer Fire Department with Advanced Life Support services. We are fortunate to have the most qualified, highly trained and dedicated officers, the best maintained equipment and motivated firefighters in the area.

Financial Assistance goes up and down with the economy. We had a huge surge during the exodus from the inner city when everyone wanted the great quality of life that Hamilton County has to offer for those that can afford it. It took a while, but after a lot of time spent teaching people how to manage their money and prioritize things, the demands are stabilizing. And of course networking with other agencies and non-profits is vital.

Our cemeteries had been neglected for years, but we were able to build up the funds to finally get them restored. As you drive through the township, take a look at the fresh appearance and the new Hoosier Heritage signs.

It is an honor to serve as your township trustee but I still have a lot to do. My goal is to build a Township Government building with offices, and a new Fire Station and Community Center for all to enjoy.


Diane Crim

Wayne Township Trustee