No one likes taxes, but not investing is worse

Dear Editor:

No one likes the prospect of more taxes. But the idea of not investing in Noblesville schools could prove to be even worse. As a parent to three children, a substitute teacher and a frequent volunteer in Noblesville schools, I will tell you three reasons why I will be voting “yes” on Nov. 6.

We are losing great teachers.

My son’s favorite teacher in sixth grade left for a better salary in a neighboring school district last year. This teacher was a valuable asset to Noblesville. He had a skill set in robotics and technology that was top-notch. He was adored by the students and his fellow staff. In today’s schools, teachers’ jobs are harder than ever. We have to give our teachers the compensation that they deserve. Having highly educated students will contribute to a strong future workforce and a strong community for Noblesville.

We need better mental health support for our students.

I have heard the argument that it’s not the school’s responsibility to assist our students in their mental health needs. But the reality is that today more and more children are suffering from serious mental health issues. This affects our students’ ability to learn and our teachers’ ability to effectively teach. The current ratio in Noblesville of having one counselor to 450 students is not adequate. Our counselors are trying to make schedules, deal with behavioral issues and help those students with mental health issues all at the same time. The referendum will provide additional counselors and social workers to help our kids be successful in learning – and in life.

Increasing school safety is critical.

From monitoring school-administered iPads, to implementing deterrents to keep kids from bringing weapons into our schools, improving school security is an absolute necessity. Did you know that the Noblesville Director of Safety is currently also the Director of Special Education? These two jobs come with huge amounts of responsibility and one person cannot be expected to do both. The referendum would provide funding for a dedicated School Safety Director along with hiring more Student Resource Officers and purchasing gun sniffing dogs.

Voting yes for the referendum means voting yes for a strong future for Noblesville. I am confident that if Noblesville makes this investment, it will be more than worth it.

Thank you for considering,

Stephanie Lambert

Noblesville resident and mom