Potter’s Bridge ponderings

From the Heart

I just returned from pondering at Potter’s Bridge. I go there whenever life gets a bit overwhelming and I need to process my thoughts and feelings.

To say that the past few days have been rough is no exaggeration.

I spent most of Friday in the ER at Riverview Hospital with my mom. Watching her suffer with the pain of a urinary tract infection was painful for both of us. Finally they found a medication that soothed her physically and emotionally. We both could rest.

Being a caregiver and caretaker of an elderly parent is the hardest job I’ve ever had. I live daily with guilt, anxiety and exhaustion.

It’s Saturday morning. I woke up at 6:00 and grabbed my phone and my coat. It was dark when I headed to my pondering place. I wrote Chuck a note so he would not be worried if he awakened to find me missing after watching the marathon third game of the World Series. (Seriously, 18 innings and over seven hours???)

I saw that I had a private message on Facebook from my friend Cathy Emmert Owens. She had walked in my shoes with her mother. She understood. Her words were like a soothing balm to my weary and hurting soul.

I knew that I needed coffee so I zipped into Starbucks. (I had no makeup on and I was in my pajamas so I wouldn’t be going to my favorite coffee shop, Noble Tea and Coffee.)

There were no cars in line at Starbucks! (When does that happen?) The gal at Starbucks recognized me and asked how I was doing.

I apologized for looking so pitiful and the tears began to leak from my eyes. I told her I was headed to Potter’s Bridge to pray and ponder. She told me she would be praying for me. We chatted and the sweetness of her words and the taste of my white mocha latte began to bring comfort to my heart. She told me about her grandmother and that she was an only child and she understood my heart.

Before I even got to Potter’s Bridge I felt like I had found comfort and strength.

I picked up my Bible and began reading the Psalms. The words and thoughts of David, the writer of the Psalms, have always mirrored my thoughts. There were not always answers for him or me, but there was comfort in knowing that God knew who we were and the desires and hurts of our heart.

Now maybe you are not a believer, but I just know that God knew I needed reassurance of His love on Saturday morning – not only in His word, but by the two people He brought into my Saturday morning, both my friend Cathy and Starbucks gal.

Never underestimate God’s love or that He will bring people and their encouraging words into your life.

Thank you Cathy and Starbucks gal, you were the balm to my hurting heart. Thank you God for your reminder … I am loved.

1 Comment on "Potter’s Bridge ponderings"

  1. Thank you Janet, I also go to Potters Bridge for the same thing.

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