Nickel Plate Express grateful for community understanding, support

Dear Editor,

On Sept. 15, the new Nickel Plate Express celebrated its Grand Opening in downtown Atlanta. We were delighted and touched by the support and response from the Hamilton County and regional community. All three of our Saturday excursions were sold out!

After a great 1 p.m. trip, our operations team ran into engine trouble with the F9 diesel locomotive. This mechanical issue forced us to cut our 3 p.m. run short and cancel our sold-out 5 p.m. ride. A dedicated crew had worked tirelessly for two weeks to get this locomotive onto the Nickel Plate line. We were so ready to get this railroad up and running that we did not schedule enough test runs!

Once again, we were amazed by the support from the community. As I walked from car to car delivering the news to our 200 passengers, I was prepared for angry encounters and disappointed patrons. Instead, I received only understanding and sympathy from our passengers. Guests calmly departed, assuring us they would be back to ride the train as soon as possible.

We are beyond appreciative of the support shown to us by the Hamilton County community. While a canceled ride was not the way we wanted to spend our Grand Opening, the experience showed us how lucky we are to call Hamilton County home.

Thanks to everyone who bought tickets and came out to support us on our big day. And thank you to the Nickel Plate Express employees for providing an exceptional experience to our passengers despite the heat.

We’re looking forward to an amazing season here in Hamilton County!

Dagny Zupin

Communications Coordinator

Nickel Plate Express