Sheridan Kiwanis award scholarships

Sheridan Fun Loving Kiwanis members celebrate with their scholarship winners. (Front row, from left) Russ Pitz, Emma Hawn, Emma Lou Leonard, Marti Hunsucker and Club President Marilyn Pitz. (Back row, from left) Rev. VJ Stover, Tracy Barker, Wyatt Reed, Sharon Wilson and Kiwanis Assistant District Governor Martyn Furnish. (Photo provided)

At the June 6 meeting of the Sheridan Kiwanis Club, members were pleased to welcome the winners of the 2018 Kiwanis scholarships awarded annually by the club to two members of the graduating class from Sheridan Community School. This year’s winners were Emma Hawn and Wyatt Reed.

The Sheridan Fun Loving Kiwanis Club meets at 6:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month at the Sheridan Public Library. Over the years the local club has been involved in a wide variety of local and international projects that serve humanity in a variety of ways. One of their local service projects is the awarding each year of two $500 scholarships to deserving students in the graduating class of Sheridan Community School.

For further information about the Sheridan club please contact any Kiwanis member or come to a meeting to find out just how “fun loving” and hardworking they really are in the community.