Chief Muszar speaks about keeping you safe

Dear Editor:

As Fire Chief of Jackson Township Fire Department, I am proud to serve a thriving community. Thanks to our Township Leaders, we continue to grow and expand our Fire Service to now be on the cutting edge while building bridges with other Agencies and communities. We serve nearly 60 square miles and our success in providing Fire and Advance Critical Care Paramedics to the residents of our Township is directly related to the relations we have built with our surrounding Fire Departments.

The single most important inter-department relationship we have built is with the Cicero Fire Department so as to provide one effective Fire Department with two separate names. This could not have been done without the hard work of the Township and Town Officials. The relations today are the best they have ever been with both Departments serving Jackson Township with cutting-edge technology and working hand in hand to provide the most Advanced Life Support Critical EMS Care possible to ALL the residents of Jackson Township. Both Departments have trained their Paramedic’s above and beyond the Indiana State Requirements so as to ensure the best possible outcome for you!

On April 19, we began providing two Medic/Ambulances to serve Jackson Township and the very next day both our Medic Units were utilized on two separate Medical Emergencies at the same time! What a blessing to be able to offer this service to our community! We have been able obtain State and Federal grants totaling nearly $1 million that have allowed us to provide State of the Art breathing equipment to our Firefighters, a High-Tech Air Filling station for refilling all of our Air Bottles as well as providing the capability for any Dive Team to be able to refill any of their Dive Team’s Air bottles when performing a Water rescue in the community. Grants have also provided for the purchase of Thermal Imaging Cameras so we can search for you and your loved ones who might be trapped in your house during a house fire.

I could go on and on and on. My point is this: At best, it can be difficult for the residents to see all the benefits of what each day brings to the residents of Jackson Township. We are daily looking for ways to improve the service, not only to you, the residents, of Jackson Township, but to your friends and family that might be traveling through the Township on any given day.

I encourage you to stop by or call! Please take time to learn what Jackson Township is doing for you. We have a newly revised web site at You can email me personally at I look forward to a great 2018 serving you each day as we grow together to continue to provide you with the best Fire Department possible!


Jeff Muszar, Fire Chief

Jackson Township Fire Department