Westfield Youth Assistance still needs 11 tutors

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Westfield Youth Assistance Program (WYAP) is still in need of tutors for 11 youth for this upcoming school year. To view the remaining needs and time slots, click here. The entire application is due before Aug. 1, so please check your email after signing up to complete all the necessary steps.

Applicants must be licensed K-6 educators or an instructional assistance in a Westfield Washington Schools elementary building or at the Intermediate School.

Tutors meet with their youth for one hour a week at the Westfield Washington Public Library. The first session will begin the week of Labor Day. The commitment is the entire school year for a total of 28 sessions (14 each semester).

There are both paid and volunteer tutoring opportunities available. All youth remaining on the list will require transportation as well, so please read the Sign-Up Genius thoroughly before committing.

Click here to learn more about WYAP’s tutoring needs.