Westfield High School Spanish teacher earns state-level recognition

Submitted by AASTP Indiana

Westfield High School Spanish teacher Jen Hasler Troutman has been selected by the Indiana Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) as its 2024 Indiana Teacher of the Year in the High School category.

Hasler Troutman deserves this renowned state award, as her 26-year strong dedication and passion for teaching Spanish, her distinguished presentations, her impressive service, and her deep involvement with students’ success and advancement were evident in her dossier.

Hasler Troutman will now represent AATSP Indiana at the Indiana Foreign Language Teachers Association Conference with the option to be named the 2024 IFLTA of the Year. She will compete along with the Teachers of the Year in five other languages.

If Hasler Troutman is selected as 2024 Teacher of the Year by IFLTA, she will again represent the organization and the State of Indiana in the 2026 Central States Teacher of the Year. Furthermore, if she wins the Central States award, it will give her the opportunity to represent the Midwest in the 2026 ACTFL National Teacher of the Year program.

The AATSP Indiana Award Ceremony this year will take place at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 9 at the Indianapolis Marriot East during the AATSP Indiana business meeting, which is part of the IFLTA Conference.

¡Felicitaciones de nuevo, Jen Hasler Troutman! AATSP Indiana considers it a great honor to be represented by such a brilliant and inspiring teacher from Westfield High School.