Bill Gutrich receives endorsement from Westfield Mayor Scott Willis in bid for State Representative, District 24


Westfield Mayor Scott Willis has declared his support and endorsement for Bill Gutrich, candidate for State Representative in District 24.


“Bill Gutrich is a business man that embodies the values of integrity, dedication, and strong decision-making that our community needs in its representation,” Willis said. “Furthermore, we need a Hamilton County resident representing District 24 because Westfield and Carmel make up more than 80 percent of the district.”

Gutrich, an experienced corporate executive and small business owner, prioritizes understanding community needs. His vision includes advocating for effective government, lower taxes, strong schools, and smart development.

Gutrich aims to be a voice for the people in Indiana’s 24th District, drawing on his successful business background with companies like The Coca-Cola Company and Conagra Foods, as well as his agricultural experience with Elanco Animal Health. His advocacy for fiscal responsibility, excellence in education, and people-centric representation reflects a commitment to serving the best interests of constituents across the district.

“Mayor Willis’ decision to endorse my candidacy speaks volumes about our shared vision for a district that thrives,” Gutrich said. “As State Representative, I will work tirelessly to ensure that the voices of our constituents are heard, valued, and championed at the state level.”

Learn more about the candidate at