Noblesville Lions updated on major project

Lion VP Jeff Kozicki and Mike Imbler, who is holding the box that is available to businesses. (Photo provided by Noblesville Lions Club / Jake Doll)

At the Wednesday meeting, the Noblesville Lions Club was treated to Lion Mike Imbler, District 25D Eyeglass Recycling Chairman.

Imbler spoke to the club outlining specifics of this project for the international organization. A lot of his information contained updated activities and statistics. The Lions Club screens for eye glasses in many schools and have found a 23 percent student failure rate. Around the world, one in four students cannot see properly, which is a big reason the Lions Club collects glasses for recycling. Also, many countries do not make eye glasses and rely on the Lions’ recycling efforts.

Last year, the 25D division alone collected 45,000 pairs of glasses. The 25D division has small cardboard boxes available for businesses to collect used glasses from customers, which are picked up by the Lions Club when full. Suggested businesses that can help are funeral homes, banks, nursing homes, grocery stores, etc.

If your business is interested in a box, contact any Lion member.