Noblesville Lions Club refills Township Trustee’s food pantry

Ed Shea (NLC), Joe Arrowood (NLC), Jen Carr (NLC), Dale Unger (NLC), Theresa Caldwell (Trustee), Joe Gorzalski, and Gary Hipes (NLC). Notice in the background, the shelves are again full. (Photo provided by Noblesville Lions Club / Jake Doll)

On Thursday, Oct. 26, the Noblesville Lions Club (NLC) purchased and delivered $3,000 worth of food to refill the Noblesville Township Trustee food pantry. The Trustee’s Office has been short of food lately and unable to help those they serve. An additional $2,000 was donated to the Trustee’s Office for walk-in needy that require help other than food.

This donation was made in the remembrance of Irv Heath, who was a many-year supporter of the Boys and Girls Club of Noblesville, as well as a member of the Noblesville Lions Club. Upon his death, a donation was made in his name to support the many causes of the Noblesville Lions Club. A portion of this donation was used as one of those causes.

Near empty shelves at the Trustee’s Office. (Photo provided by Noblesville Lions Club / Jake Doll)

Lions loading the truck included Joe Arrowood, Ed Shea, Gary Hipes, Jen Carr, and Unger. (Photo provided by Noblesville Lions Club / Jake Doll)