Being Rob Johansen takes inside jokes to a whole different level

A Seat on the Aisle

Defiance Comedy has had a number of successful shows in the Indianapolis Fringe Festival through the years. Sadly, this year is the first time I am able to catch one.

Being Rob Johansen is this year’s entry and is playing at The-Building-Formerly-Known-as-TOTS. If you like Defiance’s work – you probably already have your ticket. You’re not likely to be disappointed. For the rest of us …

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The show is a dizzying, frenetic spoof, all at the expense of local actor Rob Johansen. Lucky for Defiance, Rob is willing to play along, as they take equal parts A Christmas Carol and Being John Malkovich to tell a tale of an actor who lets himself get so lost in his own renown that he loses all balance and is ruled by insecurity. If you are unaware of Rob or his career in Indy, some of the jokes will whiz right past you.

Lots of Fringe shows can feel like “inside baseball”; this one turns that dial up to “11.” But if you recognize the name and appreciate humor that frequently dwells in the genital area, this show will reward you and then some!

Defiance Comedy’s Being Rob Johansen runs at Mass Avenue’s District Theater on Aug. 26 and 27 and Sept. 1 and 2. Besides the titular Mr. Johansen, the cast includes Clay Mabbitt, Emily Bohannon, John Kern, Meg McClane, Milo Ellis, and Brittany Magee. (Ben Rockey will join them next weekend). Directing and writing credits go to Matt Kramer, Molly North, Robin Kildall, and Rachelle Martin.

Performance times vary and are available at the Fringe Page at

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