Hamilton County Commissioners endorse Suzanne Crouch for Governor



Hamilton County Commissioners Christine Altman, Steve Dillinger, and Mark Heirbrandt have pledged their endorsement for Suzanne Crouch for Governor.

“As Lieutenant Governor, Suzanne Crouch has consistently demonstrated effective leadership and possesses a unique understanding of local government and financial matters,” the Commissioners said. “Her responsiveness and proactive approach have been instrumental in advancing various projects in Hamilton County efficiently. Her unwavering dedication has made her an invaluable ally, and she remains committed to equipping her local partners with the essential resources to deliver top-notch services. It is with great honor that we endorse her as the next Governor of Indiana.”

As the Hamilton County Commissioners, Christine Altman has served District 1 since 2003, Steve Dillinger has served District 2 since 1989, and Mark Heirbrandt has served District 3 since 2013.

Learn more about the candidate at CrouchForIndiana.com.