Rep. Spartz will not support any GOP rule vote until Republicans “starts governing”


Congresswoman Victoria Spartz (R-Ind.-05) sent a letter on Tuesday to Speaker Kevin McCarthy expressing her utmost dissatisfaction with the lack of leadership in dealing with the fiscal state of our nation – 70 percent of spending is not authorized, major programs are going bankrupt, and oversight is not effective.

“Our country is going through some challenging times where the other side is striving for a complete government takeover and control, and our side is afraid of ‘big money’ and obsessed with messaging, talking points and book writing,” Rep. Spartz said. “It reminds me of what Cicero said when the Roman Republic was falling: ‘Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a book.’ Therefore, I am not planning to support any Republican rule vote until we start governing.”

Click here to read the full letter.

1 Comment on "Rep. Spartz will not support any GOP rule vote until Republicans “starts governing”"

  1. Start governing? The GOP has no idea how to govern.

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