
Rock the boat & start a new hobby

One piece of advice I’ve heard about the empty nester stage of life is that it’s helpful to adopt a new hobby. Trying something different takes your mind off your…


I love going to the movies. Anyone else? It is an instant dopamine boost. It is dim, comfortable, I am warm, wrapped up in a few layers, and eating a…

Bits of wisdom

Mom had some favorite “Dad” jokes. My friend, a retired minister, asked, “Do you know what a cow that just had a calf is?” I’ve lived on a farm only…

Do you need to fear retirement?

If you’re planning to retire in a few years, are you looking forward to it? Or are you somewhat apprehensive? Are you asking yourself: “What sort of retirement can I…

Time, slow down

Anyone who is a parent knows the concept of longing for time to slow down. The old saying is so true that the days are long, and the years are…

Respecting those in need

Over the two-plus decades of doing food charity work, we have had the opportunity to meet many neighbors in need. Generally, as a rule, when we meet someone at a…