94.3% of Westfield residents age 12 and older vaccinated
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Zionsville officials say residents want a return to normalcy, and that’s why 95 percent of the population 12 and older is fully vaccinated, according to data from the Indiana State Department of Health.
Mayor Emily Styron said Tuesday, “Vaccines are how we get back to normal. Vaccines are important.”
The Democrat says that message helped motivate Zionsville residents to get their shots and now, according to health officials, they have become the most vaccinated community in Central Indiana. “They really engaged our community as volunteers, and there’s nothing like making the point that we’re all in this together than inviting the community to help in the vaccination effort.”
Styron also says she’s depended on churches and other local organizations to spread the message on getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
In Hamilton County, Westfield also has a high vaccination rate. The city of 46,145 people is trailing just behind Zionsville; 94.3 percent of Westfield residents 12 and older are fully vaccinated. The Hamilton County Health Department says it’s because more than half of their population has a high school or college education.

“That helps as well when it comes to them going out and finding out that information to help them make that decision on getting vaccinated,” said Christain Walker, the Hamilton County Health Department public health preparedness coordinator.
Walker adds that there’s also been an increase in available health care in Westfield.
“Part of it is they’ve got a new hospital system there, with Riverview (Health) expanding the hospital out into Westfield. I think the (U.S.) 31 corridor helps,” Walker said.