It’s official, Hamilton County! The 4-H Fair is once again underway. The Reporter’s camera caught these scenes of countless happy fairgoers on Thursday, the first day of the fair – which saw the fairest weather of all. (You can thank your Hoosier Weather Daddy Paul Poteet for that!) The lines may have been long, but that didn’t stop these folks from crunching and munching on their must-have fair fare.
(TOP RIGHT) Of course, we had to get a photo of the first llama we saw, and his name was Timmy! Thank you, Bryan, for letting us grab this great snapshot of you and your llama.
You still have four full days to enjoy everything Hamilton County 4-H’ers have to offer. Just head over to the Fairgrounds at 2003 Pleasant St. in Noblesville and soak up that 4-H spirit!