You can help keep Great American Songbook Foundation’s mission alive


The Great American Songbook Foundation in Carmel continues to celebrate Women’s History Month, but your support is crucial to helping the foundation fulfill its mission of inspiring and educating the public by celebrating the music of the Great American Songbook.

One meaningful way to support that mission – including the many women and Hall of Fame members who have shaped its legacy – is through charitable giving.

Cash is not always king

With tax season upon us, many Songbook Foundation donors are analyzing their financial situations and considering non-cash options for charitable giving, rather than drawing from disposable income. Those vehicles include Donor-Advised Funds (DAF), qualified charitable distributions from IRAs, or transfers of appreciated stock.

Stock gifts present a great opportunity to make a larger impact than you ever thought possible. Plus, your gift is mutually beneficial – the Songbook Foundation receives the full value of the stock, while you avoid capital gains tax.

Click here to learn more about giving options, and ask your financial advisor about smarter ways to support the causes you care about.

Interested in including the Songbook Foundation in your estate plans? This simple Letter of Intent allows you to leave a legacy so the programs you find important today are here for youth and adults in the future.

Shape the Songbook’s future

The community plays a key role in keeping the Great American Songbook alive, and they want to know:

  • What stories or artifacts in the exhibits captivate you most?
  • Which gems in the Songbook Library & Archives do you think deserve the spotlight?
  • How do you love engaging with the Songbook, and what would make it even better?

Your voice helps craft new content, plan exciting programs, and even shape the future museum. Take this quick audience survey and be part of the next chapter in the Songbook Foundation’s story.

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