Elite Martial Arts owned by Karlie and Andrew Steinman will play host to a taekwondo tournament beginning at 7 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 18 at the Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville, 1700 Conner St.
“It’s a huge event where we get lots of people from all over coming to compete and earn points,” Owner Karlie Steinman told The Reporter. “Competitors can use those point to go on to districts and world championships.”

Zay Gomez (white belt) and Kaitlyn Anderson (now an orange belt, but white belt in the picture). (Photo provided)
Elite Martial Arts is a part of American Taekwondo Association (ATA), which has member school across the U.S.
“Anyone that is a part of the ATA organization can go to any of the tournaments ATA members host,” Steinman said. “When you go to a martial arts tournament, there is seating in there, but a lot of families will stand up and get close to the ring where the people there are support is competing in. You just get so into it – so excited and hyped up – that a lot of people don’t even sit while their person is competing.”
There is a $5 spectator fee at Saturday’s event.
Elite Martial Arts is a locally-owned school that has been in operation for more than a decade in Noblesville.
“We are always available for people to stop in to learn about martial arts,” Steinman said. “They can have a trial class. You can come in a watch a class if you want to see the atmosphere first before you try a class. Someone is always there, so you can stop in and talk to one of our coaches to see if it’s something you are interested in.”

Cecilia Person (3rd Degree black belt). (Photo provided)
There are classes for all ages.
“We have programs starting from ‘little tiny tigers,’ which are 3- to 5-year-olds, all the way up to adults,” Steinman said.
Visit Elite Martial Arts in person 162 W. Logan St., Noblesville, find them online at or call (317) 773-4282 to find out if martial arts training can help maximize your child’s potential.