You’re meant for this.
How do you say I love you without saying I love you? A simple text. Words that hug the heart.
And so, while I was at the Hope*Story Conference this week, I sent my husband a simple text: Thank you for making this possible.
You see, my husband believes in me. He has always encouraged me to write. He spoke at my book launch in June of 2022. He told those who were there that he loved watching someone so passionate about what they were doing. He said I was good at what I was doing … writing. He said he was proud of me. Just when I thought I couldn’t love that man any more than I did … I loved him even more.
My husband is an expert at giving words of appreciation and affirmation.
Guess what? My love language is words of affirmation. I tell him that making me feel loved is easy, wrapping me in “atta girl” compliments.

Photo provided
Ten years ago, on a snowy February Sunday afternoon, Chuck and I stood before three ministers (yes, three) and said our vows. Being close to the winter of our lives, we knew that every day we had to love each other mattered even more.
Scott Leonard sang the song “I Cross My Heart.” There are lyrics that say, I’ll give all I’ve got to give to make all your dreams come true. I had no idea those words would be so true.
The thing is that Chuck Leonard believes in me. He sees much more in me than I see in myself. He understands the 3:43 mornings when I have to get up because the voices won’t be silenced until I write.
He has held me when my heart was breaking. He saw my pain and wrapped me up by loving me well. His words of reassurance softened my hurt.
Yes, this is one of those schmaltzy columns I am known for, but I didn’t want to wait for Valentine’s Day or our anniversary, February 23. I don’t believe words should wait to be said. Read that again.
I truly believe that the people we love, the people that matter in our lives, need to hear words of affirmation … and not just on special occasions.
Send the text. Write a love letter. Mail a thank you note. Tell someone what you appreciate about them.
Words matter. Words cost nothing, yet they can be treasured for years to come.
Who in your life needs to see or hear words of affirmation? I have a challenge for my readers. For one week, every day, SEND … WRITE … MAIL … TELL someone in your life why they matter to you.
The value of your words isn’t measurable, but the heart that is spoken to by your words will be filled up and overflowing.
Need help? Call the good Dr. Leonard. He’s got just the right words.
Thank you, Chuck, for believing in me. I’m not the only one in this marriage with the gift of words. Your words love me well.
Janet Hart Leonard can be contacted at or followed on Facebook or Instagram (@janethartleonard). Visit
Thank you for writing this, Janet, and sharing it for the benefit of others! Your words are gold!