Women artists from Noblesville, Carmel earn state recognition

(ABOVE LEFT) Noblesville artist Kristina Oliver’s (left) work, “The Portrait,” will be on display in the office of Secretary of State Holli Sullivan (right). (ABOVE RIGHT) Carmel artist Aren Sraiger’s (left) work, “Growing Wild,” will be on display in the office of State Treasurer Kelly Mitchell (right). (Photos provided)

Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch, Treasurer Kelly Mitchell and the Indiana Arts Commission on Thursday held a reception to celebrate the 2022 Hoosier Women Artists exhibition at the Statehouse.

“It brings me joy to see the return of the Hoosier Women Artist exhibition,” Crouch said. “We received so many great submissions this year and numerous pieces are beyond incredible. I look forward to displaying these in my office throughout the next year. Our state is blessed with talented Hoosier women and I want them all to continue to share their artistic talents with others.”

Locally, two artists earned recognition. They are Kristina Oliver, Noblesville, for her work titled “The Portrait,” and Aren Straiger, Carmel, for her work titled “Growing Wild.”

The Hoosier Women Artists program was established in 2008 to celebrate the importance of the arts in Indiana’s communities and showcase the work of talented female artists throughout the state. The annual exhibition was announced in January, and this year’s 44 honorees were selected out of more than 200 entries. The entries were judged by a panel of Indiana visual arts professionals and then selected for display by Crouch and Mitchell.

The panelists included:

  • Shelby Nower, Artist, Decatur
  • Kassie Woodworth, Artist, Indianapolis
  • Torri Williams, Community Organizer, Marion

“The artwork we receive every year provides a bit of happiness to all in my office. Art has a unique ability to draw people together in conversation,” Mitchell said. “I love the opportunity to showcase Indiana women artists in the Statehouse, and to give these talented Hoosiers well-deserved recognition and appreciation.”

The 44 pieces of artwork will be displayed in the following offices:

  • Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch
  • Treasurer of State Kelly Mitchell
  • Secretary of State Holli Sullivan
  • Auditor of State Tera Klutz
  • Chief Justice Loretta Rush
  • Secretary of Education Katie Jenner
  • Governor’s Residence in honor of the First Lady