Wiles: Crosser, Lambert & Richardson care about Noblesville community

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Dear Editor:

Nov. 5 is quickly approaching and I hope that Noblesville residents are already exercising their right to vote in this very important election. In times when we have low voter turnout, it is so important for all eligible voters to cast your ballot.

There are many candidates who have dedicated their time, energy, and efforts to ask for your vote and the one office that is closest to home is that of Noblesville School Board.

As you evaluate candidates, I strongly encourage you to look at the track record and outstanding accomplishments of two of our current school board members, Christi Crosser and Stephanie Lambert. Since they began their service on the school board, they have shown the leadership and dedication to work with the administration and staff of Noblesville Schools to do what is best for the education of all students. As Noblesville continues to grow and become more diverse, we need people on the school board who are willing to listen to new ideas and approaches of how best serve our students and teachers.

Bret Richardson also wants to dedicate his time to serving Noblesville Schools. Bret has been a lifelong resident of Noblesville and has seen the growth and changes that have occurred over the years. Bret understands that our community needs the kind of leadership for Noblesville Schools that is focused on the future.

I am proud to have known and worked with all of these candidates for many years. Christi Crosser, Stephanie Lambert, and Bret Richardson are people who care and are passionate about our community. They dedicate many hours to charitable organizations outside of Noblesville Schools by serving on boards and committees, all with the intent of making Noblesville a better place to live and raise a family.

We need dedicated leaders like Christi, Stephanie, and Bret on the Noblesville School Board to provide the appropriate fiscal oversight, vision, and dedication to our students, parents, and teachers that our community wants and deserves. Please join me in voting for Crosser, Lambert, and Richardson to ensure that Noblesville Schools continues to be an outstanding education system.

Megan Wiles
Noblesville resident
1984 NHS graduate & parent of former Noblesville students

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