Why you won’t see political attack ads in this newspaper


Friday, Feb. 9 was the last day for candidates to file for the May primary. Later this week, you will find a full list of all local candidates in our pages.

Just before early voting begins, you will begin seeing our candidate information pages in online editions, which will publish every day from the time we start through and including Election Day itself. The only candidates not listed in those pages will be the ones who choose not to engage with our readers.

Yard signs, billboards, and yes, newspaper ads for this election are about to get common. We are asking you, dear readers, for civil discourse in these pages.

Hamilton County’s Hometown Newspaper does not accept any attack ads, and we are broadening that policy to include letters to the editor.

We always encourage readers to have their say in The Reporter. Just keep it civil.

Tell us why you believe someone is the right choice to lead the community. Tell us what your candidate of choice has to offer.

We will not, however, publish letters, ads, or columns that focus on what or whom you stand against. We are happy to hear and share what you stand FOR.

If you want to opine, complain, or rant about what you stand against, we recommend turning to social media instead of this newspaper.

Letters to the editor should be sent to News@ReadTheReporter.com. Please include your name, city of residence, and phone number. While we will not publish your phone number or email address, we will use those pieces of information to confirm authorship of your letter.

1 Comment on "Why you won’t see political attack ads in this newspaper"

  1. Scott Stemen | February 12, 2024 at 9:44 am |

    Great Policy !
    Thank You

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