Why students benefit from playing sports


Sheridan High School Student

Editor’s Note: The Sheridan Student Column is brought to readers by Sheridan High School’s 10th grade English class, taught by Abigayle Williams.

According to USNews.com, about 55.5 percent of high school students play a sport. Students can benefit greatly by playing a sport. There are many ways that sports can benefit your mental, social and physical health.

Playing sports improves your mental health in many ways. For example, in sports you will learn how to face challenges. In life you will have many challenges, and kids who have had the experience of dealing with challenges will have an easier time being able to handle them.

Also, sports will help you develop leadership traits. You will have to be a leader to your team sometimes while playing sports and in life that can be very beneficial when you are working or in some type of group.

Sports also puts you into a better mood. When you are physically active your body releases chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals that makes you feel happier and more relaxed. Sports can also improve your focus. Finally, sports improve your critical thinking, judgement, and learning skills.

Playing sports also benefits your social health. You can meet a lot of people and make new friends while playing sports. The people you meet will have some of the same interests as you which will make it easy to be friends. You can become really close friends with your teammates because you spend a lot of time with them at practices, games, and traveling. Also, kids who play travel sports meet a lot of people from different schools. This is very beneficial because you can meet some really good and life-long friends.

Finally, sports can benefit your physical health. Playing a sport is a great way to keep students healthy. They get very good exercise while practicing and playing in the games. It helps you build endurance and get stronger. Sports also help your balance, coordination, and flexibility.

Sports have made a great impact in my life. I have made many friends. Almost all of my friends have come from the sports that I play. While playing sports, I also learned about respecting people from my coaches. I have had many amazing coaches throughout my life, even some who have been coaching me through elementary; they are really great and have helped me become a better player and person in one.

In conclusion, sports are very beneficial to students’ lives. They can benefit from their mental, physical, and social health. Sports can make students’ lives easier because they are active.