1851 – Ida Husted Harper was born in Fairfield in Franklin County. She became a nationally-known journalist and advocate for women’s suffrage.
1867 – The Indiana Student newspaper began publication at Indiana University. Among the topics in the first issue was the proposal for a walkway between the gate and the college to help students avoid the deep mud. In 1899, the newspaper was renamed Indiana Daily Student.
1894 – The Daughters of the American Revolution established an Indianapolis chapter named for Caroline Scott Harrison, the wife of President Benjamin Harrison. She had served as the first President General of the national organization, which was founded in 1890.
1902 – John W. Sublett was born in Kentucky. His family soon moved to Indianapolis where he became a popular dancer in local theaters. Under the stage name of John W. Bubbles, he enjoyed a long career as a star of Vaudeville, Broadway and motion pictures.
1923 – Edward M. Bassett, a city planning expert from New York, spoke to civic leaders at the Claypool Hotel. He described Indianapolis as “one of the most carefully planned and laid-out cities in the United States.”
1938 – Mary Wren, a junior at Purdue University, won a contest as best cherry pie maker in America. Her award was $100 and a trip to Washington to meet First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.