White River Twp. resident wonders if commissioners, mayors are ready to deal with private property issues

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Dear Editor:

A word of caution to White River Vision and Indiana Regional Economic Acceleration and Development Initiative: “READI” …

As you developed these plans, did you address the issues the residents who live and farm along White River will have to endure?

I would compare this initiative to building a limited access interstate highway through farm fields without fencing to keep drivers off private property along the highway.

Will you police this endeavor? Will you finance the emergency runs this endeavor will create? Will you keep the trespassers off the private property adjacent to White River?

Our deed says we own to the low water mark of White River. Some of our neighbors own to the center of White River.

We have found paths cut through our trees and brush along White River up to our crop fields. We have encountered folks hiding in the grass at the side of our field along White River. Not knowing anyone was in our field, the tractor driver backed the planter into place to begin the planting pass along the edge of White River. Bodies jumped up and ran away.

There was a death in White River last Sunday. It appears some folks were swinging from a rope hanging from a tree on private property along White River.

A family was stranded on an island in White River as the water level rose quickly following a rainfall.

Someone drove a pickup truck into the river and left it. Not knowing if anyone was in the truck, emergency personnel had to pull that pickup out of river and search for a possible body.

Will the mayors from Noblesville, Fishers, Westfield, Carmel, Anderson, or the Hamilton County Commissioners police the river and make emergency runs to rescue people who have put themselves in peril?

The mayors of the cities along White River should develop and beautify the White River through their municipality. They should not trespass into White River Township along White River to take away our private property rights. We have to provide emergency services for the folks who get into dangerous situations along White River.

Canoers and kayakers should enjoy a lazy trip down river. Stay on the river until you reach the next river station to enter and/or exit the river. Stay off private property.

Do you know about the “Purple Paint” Law? It should be part of your plans.

Jeanne Flanders

White River Township

2 Comments on "White River Twp. resident wonders if commissioners, mayors are ready to deal with private property issues"

  1. Mari Briggs | June 23, 2021 at 1:46 pm |

    I recall the initiative issue about expanding tourism along White River several years ago and had the same thoughts about private property owners privacy and protection of their properties. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend any of the meetings where this concern could have been discussed. Was this issue ever brought up? I imagined noisy boats moving up and down the river upsetting the quiet of the river serenity. Not only would river land owners be affected, so would the environment of the woodland animals and water way foul and fish be effected. How much noise, night light, and waste pollution would be involved? Who would clean it up and who would respect property owners’ peace and quiet; and to add possible future crime. Will these tourism events be a 12 month affair or only during the warm months of the year? How close to the river do the mayors and commissioners live? Have they given this any thought?

  2. During what has been a two year or longer planning / marketing phase regarding a ‘newly envisioned’ white river, the word ; stakeholder(s) has been used often.
    The list of such is mostly comprised of those who would benefit financially from development along the river corridor.
    Therein lies the answer regarding .. many of the surrounding issues & concerns.
    The stated goal is for increased usage & development of what is considered an ‘underutilized resource’ , so more of everything; more building in or along the flood plain, more people, noise, more activity in general.
    Think of it as the last almost-wild place in the county transformed into something more like St Rd 32.
    Hooray for progress, right ?


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