When God writes your chapters

From the Heart

They say that you make plans … and God laughs.

So, it was about 4 p.m. when I clocked out at Don Hinds Ford on Saturday, March 14. My plan was to take a girls’ trip to Tampa for five days and return to work on Saturday the 21st. That did not happen.

The week that I was in Florida the world started closing down. Life, as I knew it, would not look the same for a long time … possibly never.

So began a chapter called COVID-19. It was one that would not make sense … to anyone.

In the past eight weeks I’ve had plenty of time to think. I have a sign in my office that says, “Someday, it will all make sense.” I don’t think there will be a someday where this pandemic makes any sense.

I remember walking into Don Hinds Ford 16 years ago this June. It made no sense.

Here I was 48 years old. I decorated homes for 26 years. I had never worked with men. I knew nothing about cars and trucks. I was beyond scared. I was terrified. They took a chance with me. I think they were glad they did.

When I told my family and friends that I was going to sell cars they looked at me like I had lost my ever lovin’ mind. Some expressed their concern. Some were left speechless. A few said, “You go girl!”

I wiped a few tears on the way home for the first few weeks. OK, the first several months. It’s a tough business, especially for a woman. You have to prove yourself to the guys and your customers.

I was raised to work hard and be nice to people. It worked in the car business.

Over the years, I gained a loyal customer base. I treated them the way I would want to be treated. It was that simple. Those customers became my friends.

Those same years I got to know most of the customers who came in for service. I got to know their families. This one particular man would sit in the sales waiting room and read a novel while his car was getting worked on. His name was Chuck.

Seven years ago, he asked me, “If you’re not seeing anyone, would you want to go to lunch?”

As most of my readers know, our story is very much what you would watch in a Hallmark movie. Yet, if you look at us and our differences, many would wonder how we ever got together.

We are the old people’s version of The Big Bang Theory starring Leonard and Penny. Chuck has his dissertation that makes him Dr. Leonard. I cut short my college education. I’m the Truck Lady. Chuck was the principal at Lawrence Central about the time I graduated from high school. Yes, there are a few years difference in our ages. But you know what? We knew within a month of starting to date we were headed to the altar and would be married.

Another chapter in my life was written that made no sense. Our hearts knew that it would make so much sense … as time proved our love.

Chuck proposed in the waiting room and the Colglaziers and Hinds were so gracious to allow us to have our reception in the showroom of the dealership. Yes, the pictures resembled a Hallmark movie. So, on Feb. 23, 2014, we were wed. We had a little over 300 witnesses as we said our vows. “For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.”

Now it is some six years later and as much of my life is written in my stories, I am beginning a new chapter. A chapter where the page was difficult to turn and see what was being written.

I really like things planned and to make sense. But … what I have found is that when you allow God to hold your pen, the things that are written may seem strange. You just have to believe things will turn out better than you could ever imagine. My life has proven that to be true.

Stay tuned as I will be writing about another chapter next week. And no, much of it may not make sense, but God does have a sense of humor. I’m trusting Him with my pen.