What we need is …

From the Heart

“When I say to be kind to one another, I don’t only mean the people that think the same way that I do. I mean to be kind to everyone.” – Ellen DeGeneres.

A simple sentence that spoke volumes.

It all began with a picture of Ellen with George W. Bush hanging out at a Dallas Cowboys football game. It sparked conversations. It also sparked a bit of controversy.

Some applauded Ellen, some criticized her.

I applauded as my heart cheered.

We live in a society that seems to tell us that we cannot be friends with anyone who does not think the way we do. I find that sad.

It seems that so many sit in front of a computer screen and yet they hide behind it as well. Social media is used as a weapon, assaulting those with opposing beliefs. If those who oppose cannot be seen, they are protected.

They spew ugliness. The venom of hate and anger and hypocrisy and prejudice and bigotry is tapped from their fingertips onto the keys of their keyboards.

They think that people will listen to their words. They think that they will change the mind of others. It won’t happen.

If only they would change their heart, then we would have a kinder, softer world where we, like Ellen, can be friends with people with whom we don’t share the same beliefs.

We live in a society that simply argues with loud, angry voices. Is anyone listening? No.

Opinions are stated (actually screamed). There is an impatient pause waiting for someone to begin the argument. Instead of “put your dukes up” it’s “put your opposing words up.” Let the battle begin.

Words are shouted while writing in capital letters. Who can be the loudest? Who can be the angriest? Sadly, no one wins.

We, as a society, have hardened our hearts and closed our minds to anyone who thinks differently or opposes our views. Society tells us we cannot be friends if we do not have the same beliefs and thoughts. In my humble opinion, I think that is a whole lot of bologna sandwiches … in other words, BS.

Kindness has been lost in the forest of opposing views.

I’m just one little, a bit over middle aged lady, who has many friends who do not always believe the way I believe or think the way I think. Yet, we get along and are kind to one another. We even hang out together.

It is not rocket science to see the value of kindness and caring about others … no matter our beliefs.

I just think we need a lot more Ellens. I would love to be her friend. I think our hearts would get along very well.