What is a pirate’s favorite letter? Arrrr? Nay. ‘Tis the sea.

Photo provided by Tim & Megan Rathz

Reporter columnists Tim & Megan Rathz, along with their two kids, Mary and Pat, boarded the Nickel Plate Express last Saturday afternoon for a magical ride filled with pirates and a princess! An enchanting time was had by all. Both kids were even bingo winners and got to pick prizes from the treasure chest. Princess Mary enjoyed meeting princess Ariel and even sang with her. Pirate Paddy had a blast in his skull and bones hat riding the rails and fist bumping Pirate Black Beard. The timing could not have been more perfect as Princess Mary just celebrated “P Week” in her Pre-K class this last week! Many thanks to NPX and the incredible characters from Royal Events for a wonderful time!

Photo provided by Tim & Megan Rathz