But what if He did?
You know, be crucified on the cross on Friday and raised from the grave on Sunday?
I love Easter. It reminds me there will always be hope because Jesus died on the cross, then three days later, He arose from the grave. He left His burial clothes folded. What does that mean? He’s coming back. Oh, the hope that is in those folded clothes.
It’s not a concept that makes sense. But what if it really happened? What if there really is something to this Jesus thing?
I believe that once you see God work in your life, once you see a miracle or sense His presence when life is so overwhelming … you are forever changed. I know this well.
I was raised on scripture and hymns, but it wasn’t until the words in the Bible and the lyrics of the hymns became a real part of my life that I could understand their true meaning. I sift the hard times through them.
Photo provided
For God so loved the world. Yes, even the messed up, mixed up and ever-worrying writer I am … I am still loved. The unconditional love of God covers sins, doubts, fears, questions, and messy circumstances and miserable situations. I am quite aware of all these things.
For whosoever believeth, is a promise of everlasting life.
But it’s more than that. It’s knowing God will never leave me nor forsake me … no matter my circumstances or rebellious heart.
My doubts do not change His love for me. I simply have to believe in Him. I am part of the whosoever. It’s not only my sins that I bring to the cross but my doubts, fears, and heavy burdens. I don’t have to clean up to come to the cross.
The truth is that I leave them there and then I pick them up and have to leave them there again, so many times.
My mother taught me the scripture in John 3:16. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV
I had to make the choice to believe. I couldn’t rely on my mother’s faith.
Perhaps in a world that has so long forsaken God and His word, it should take the Bible off the shelf or out of the drawer or order one from Amazon. There are answers in that book, answers the world needs today more than ever. I love the New Living Translation.
I’ve always loved Easter because of the cross and all it means to the world and what it personally means to me. Hope in the midst of overwhelming grief. Hope when the door of dreams is slammed shut. Hope that tomorrow will be a better day.
Because of the cross. Because of what happened on the third day. Because I am loved.
As the hymn by Bill and Gloria Gaither says, “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.”
For God so loved …
Maybe if you’ve finished reading this column you will think, but what if He DID rise from the dead? What if this Jesus thing is the real deal?
Bring your “what if” to the cross … and leave it there.
Playlist: “Because He Lives” sung by Gaither Vocal Band
Janet Hart Leonard can be contacted at janethartleonard@gmail.com or followed on Facebook or Instagram (@janethartleonard). Visit janethartleonard.com.