What a day in the life of a high school student looks like


Sheridan High School Student

Editor’s Note: The Sheridan Student Column is brought to readers by Sheridan High School’s 10th grade English class, taught by Abby Williams.

Every day, I wake up at 5:30 a.m. to get ready for school, although I hit the snooze button on my alarm at least two or three times. If I hadn’t showered the night before, I would do that right after I pick out my clothes. Afterwards, I get dressed and put on some makeup so I don’t look like a zombie. I always have coffee and a small breakfast, and then pack a lunch because school food is gross. My bus comes at 7:00 and then I’m on there for about half an hour, which leaves me another 30 minutes before my first class starts.

My first class is Accelerated English, and the attendance number is so large that half of us are in the library instead of the classroom every other day. We do most of our work in the library, and then the next day our group will discuss in the classroom. Currently, we are reading Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.

Next, I have Spanish 2. Since I’m aiming for an Academic Honors Diploma, I have to take three years of foreign language. We always do something different in that class, but it’s mostly learning a new grammar rule or studying vocabulary.

Third period is one of my favorite classes. I didn’t take a social studies class my freshman year, so this year I’m taking AP World History. I was always a fan of history in middle school, so taking an advanced history class in high school has been really interesting. It’s pretty challenging, but I’m learning a lot of new things.

After that, everyone has a study period. I usually do my Algebra 2 homework during this time. It’s also a good snack break. Fifth period I have Chemistry. This class made me realize that I am not a scientist. Right after that I have lunch, and then Algebra 2. In this class, I get to solve equations to find out what letters stand for … in math. Who came up with that, anyway?

My last two periods are the best to end the day. I have Chamber Choir, which is basically just an advanced choir. It’s a small class, and I absolutely love my teacher. It’s really just a safe, judgement-free zone. Lastly, I have Sculpture and Ceramics. It’s fun, but unfortunately a lot of students don’t take art seriously like they would any other class.

Sometimes I have to work after school, so if that’s the case I will just get ready to go. I’ll work from around 5:00 to 9:30. If I don’t work, I’ll do my homework or just relax, unless I need to do some chores around the house. I scroll on my phone a lot, if I’m being completely honest. I make sure to talk to my parents, and help with making and cleaning up dinner as well. I always call my boyfriend before bed, and I’m tired enough to usually sleep before 11 p.m.