Westfield’s “Mayor of Whoville”

Submitted by TROY PATTON

Westfield City Councilor

Editor’s note: Westfield City Councilor Troy Patton submitted the following response to an editorial by Mayor Andy Cook. You can read Cook’s editorial which prompted Patton’s response at this link.


Andy Cook continues to misrepresent facts to the people of Westfield. His latest venture is his self-back-patting on Grand Junction that has been nothing short of disappointing. In a recent letter, he once again saddled-up his high horse to look down his nose at anyone who disagrees with him. He is either preparing for a career in Washington, where spending gone wild is a daily attribute, or he is clearly just not fit for a job that uses public funds.

His letter was filled with a bevy of personal attacks against me. I will not take the time, nor dignify the wild accusations by addressing them, including my own involvement in Westfield he has asserted, as they are just more examples of his lies and misrepresentation.

I will address the actual issue at hand, as related to projects and spending, as that is what the taxpayers of Westfield have elected me to do.

The facts are this simple: Imagine if you contracted to build a two-story home with a three-car garage in Westfield and were told that this this home would cost $300,000. As the build is underway, imagine your delight when the builder informs you that they can complete your home and stay slightly under budget.

When you do your walk-through, you discover the upstairs bathrooms have the pipes for water, and electrical is run, and the studs are in place, but no drywall, carpet, or any fixtures of any sort are installed. Then you walk into the kitchen area and the cabinets you picked out are not there, and just a rough-in of the water and electric.

Upon further inspection, no garage was ever built. You say, “What happened, this is not complete.” The builder tells you, “It is under budget though, and you can still live in the home and have people over to congregate on your cement pad out back.” Are you satisfied? I cannot imagine that you would be.

Folks, welcome to Grand Junction!

I have often said, the employees of Westfield, including our first responders and Grand Park personnel, as well as others are doing a good job. I have even repeated this in public meetings. This includes Board of Public Works and their teams.

What I will not do is tell someone they did a great job when they failed.

Even after a presentation at the Finance Committee Meeting where they were over budget, they then come to the City Council and put in a slide that says they are not over budget. Andy may not like my tone in saying that the costs associated with this project stink, but it does not make it less true.

In just my first year I have learned that if you whisper, this administration will ignore you. It is time to be direct, and most importantly, IT IS TIME TO PUT THE TAXPAYERS FIRST.

It is time Andy learns to work with a City Council who will challenge the status quo and unfortunately for him, when he misleads the taxpayers, he will get called out. If I am the Grinch in this scenario, I can handle it, but we don’t need a Mayor of Whoville running the show.

2 Comments on "Westfield’s “Mayor of Whoville”"

  1. It seems the budget of the Grand Junction project repeatedly has been an issue. This project is nearly identical to what Noblesville has already built. I would like Westfield to compare their itemized bill with Noblesville. Could it be possible Noblesville completed their project at LESS THAN HALF the cost? Check the public records and see for yourself! Why is Westfield being fleeced?

  2. David Ritenour | December 24, 2020 at 9:34 pm |

    Keep up the good fight, Troy – your efforts and openness are breaths of fresh air and are greatly appreciated!

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