Westfield Young Professionals get ‘happy’ at networking event

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Young professionals in Westfield recently gathered for a networking happy hour at 1205 Distillery North, 120 Camilla Court, Suite A, Westfield.

The Westfield Young Professionals have a networking coffee and happy hour planned for every month through 2022. To attend a future event, visit the Westfield Chamber website. You can also click here to join the Young Professionals private Facebook page.

About the Westfield Young Professionals

The new Westfield Young Professionals Council is a networking group for young professionals under 40 in Westfield, but the group is more than that. It offers a space for people to grow their careers, for those new to Hamilton County and Indy to make lasting friendships – for YPs to grow themselves personally. Through this opportunity, YPs will become invested members of the community, looking for ways to give back to the Westfield community and each other.