Westfield Washington Township & Westfield Fire Department complete successful Smoke Alarm & Weather Radio Blitz

Westfield firefighters with Chief Ryan Flora, Township Trustee Jamie Goetz Mills, and Township Manager of Community Outreach & Client Services Suzanna Hobson. (Photo provided)

Westfield Washington Township and the Westfield Fire Department announce the success of their joint initiative, the Smoke Alarm and Weather Radio Blitz.

The goal of this collaborative program is to enhance the safety and preparedness of residents in mobile home communities across Westfield Washington Township by providing essential smoke alarm checks, installations, and weather radios.

“We are thrilled with the success of the Smoke Alarm and Weather Radio Blitz,” Township Trustee Jamie Goetz Mills said. “This partnership exemplifies our commitment to proactive safety measures and highlights the importance of community collaboration in ensuring the well-being of our residents.”

Throughout the duration of this initiative, both organizations diligently worked together to ensure that residents in mobile home communities were equipped with the necessary tools to protect themselves and their families from potential fire hazards and severe weather emergencies. The program saw widespread participation and garnered positive feedback from the community.

“The Smoke Alarm and Weather Radio Blitz has been instrumental in raising awareness about fire safety and emergency preparedness,” said Ryan Flora, Westfield Fire Department Division Chief and Fire Marshal. “By offering essential resources such as smoke alarms and weather radios, we are empowering residents to take proactive steps in safeguarding their homes and families.”

The success of the Smoke Alarm and Weather Radio Blitz reaffirms the effectiveness of community partnerships for critical public safety needs. Special thanks to Hamilton County Emergency Management for providing weather radios as well as the American Red Cross for providing smoke alarms.

Westfield Washington Township and the Westfield Fire Department remain committed to ongoing efforts to enhance public safety.